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[48]   D. Choe, and C. Baig*, "Distinctive properties of the Entangled short-chain branched polymers compared to Linear polymers" 11/2024, AWPP, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[47]   D. Choe, and C. Baig*, "Comparing the various properties of entangled short-chain branched polymer melts with those of linear polymers under shear flow" 09/2024, PSK, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[46]   D. Choe, and C. Baig*, "Analysis of the fundamental characteristics of short-chain branched polymers under shear flow in comparison with their linear analogue" 05/2024, APCTP, Pohang, Korea (Invited/Oral)


[45]   D. Choe, and C. Baig*, "전단 유동 하에서 선형 유사체와 비교한 얽힌 짧은 가지가 달린 고분자의 다양한 특성" 10/2023, KIChE, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[44]   T.Y. Ha, and C. Baig*, "전단 유동하 계면 상의 짧은 가지가 달린 매우 긴 선형 및 고리형 고분자에 대한 구조적 및 유변학적 성질 분석" 10/2023, KIChE, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[43]   T.Y. Ha, and C. Baig*, "Influence of short branches on entangled linear and ring polymers at interface system under shear flow" 04/2023, KIChE, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[42]   D. Choe, and C. Baig*, "Rheological and topological properties of entangled short-chain branched polymers in comparison to the linear analogs under shear flow" 04/2023, KIChE, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[41]   D. Choe, S. H. Jeong, and C. Baig*, "Topological Characteristics of Entangled Short-Chain branched Polymers in Comparison to the Linear Analogs under Shear Flow" 04/2023, PSK, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[40]   C. Baig, "Exploring fundamental rheological characteristics of flowing polymeric liquids via nonequilibrium simulations" 04/2023, PSK, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)


[39]   C. Baig, "Application of nonequilibirum simulations to molecular rheology of polymer systems" 11/2022, KSR, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[38]   C. Baig, "Microscopic rheological study of bulk and interfacial polymer systems under flow fields using nonequilibium simulations" 11/2022, KIChE, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[37]   S. H. Jeong, T. Y. Ha, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Influence of the intrinsic surface characteristics of the ring-shaped polymers on dynamical and structural properties under shear flow" 11/2022, KIChE, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[36]   T. Y. Ha, and C. Baig*, "Interfacial Polymer Structure and Rheology of Entangled Short-Chain Branched Ring Melts in Shear Flow" 10/2022, PSK, Daegu, Korea (Oral)



[35]   J. M. Kim, J. Kim and C. Baig*, "Structural and Dynamical Properties of Linear Polymer Melts in Strict and Quasi Two Dimensions using Computer Simulations" 04/2019, KIChE 2019, Jeju, Korea (Oral)


[34]   S. Jeong and C. Baig*, "전단 유동의 급정지(Cessation of Steady Shear flow) 아래 고분자 용융체(polymer melts)의
응력 완화(Stress Relaxation) 현상 분석" 11/2018, KSR 2018, Daejeon, Korea (Poster)

[33]   E. J. Rho, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Role of short-chain branching on ring polymer structure and dynamics using molecular dynamics simulations" 11/2018, KSR 2018, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[32]   S. Jeong and C. Baig*, "Molecular Characteristics of Stress Relaxation of Polymer Melts upon Cessation of Steady Shear via Molecular Dynamics Simulation" 10/2018, KIChE 2018, Daegu, Korea (Oral) [Hoemyeong Graduate Research Award]

[31]   U. J. Kang, K.  M.  Kim, C.  Y.  Park, and C. Baig*, "Effects of Electrostatic and Van der Waals  Energy on Interaction of C.elegans STIM-ORAI Complex" 06/2018, PRCR 2018, Jeju, Korea (Poster)

[30]   S. Jeong and C. Baig*, "Influence of Closed-loop  Conformation of the Polymer on the Interfacial  Molecular Mechanisms under  Shear Flow" 06/2018, PRCR 2018, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[29]   J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Structural and Rheological Behaviors of  Interfacial  Polymer under Shear Flow using Nonequilibrium Molecular  Dynamics Simulation" 06/2018, PRCR 2018, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[28]   E. J. Roh, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Effect of  Short-Chain Branches on Structure and  Dynamics of Ring Polymer Melts Using Molecular  Dynamics  Simulations" 06/2018, PRCR 2018, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[27]   S. H. Jeong, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Influence of Short- and Long-chain Branches on the Rheological Behaviors of Short-chain Branched H-shaped  Polymers under Shear and Uniaxial  Elongational Flows" 06/2018, PRCR 2018, Jeju, Korea (Oral)

[26]   J. Kim, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "분자 동역학을 이용한 2차원 사슬형(linear) 및 고리형(ring) 고분자 용융체(polymer melts)의 구조적, 동역학적 연구" 05/2018, KSR, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[25]   J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Multi-scale Simulation of Linear and Nonlinear Polymeric Liquids under Flow Conditions" 04/2018, PSK, Daejeon, Korea (Invited/Oral)

[24]   S. Jeong and C. Baig*, "The Molecular Origin of the Stress Relaxation of the Polymer Melts after the Cessation of Steady Shear Flow" 04/2018, PSK, Daejeon, Korea (Oral) [Excellent Oral Presentation Award (English)]


[23]   S. Jeong, J. M. Kim, S. Cho and C. Baig*, "전단 흐름 아래 interfacial ring polymer melts의 구조 및 동역학적 성질 연구" 11/2017, KSR, Jinju, Korea (Oral) [Excellent Paper Award - Oral Presentation]

[22]   J. M. Kim, S. Jeong and C. Baig*, "전산모사를 이용한 고분자 용융체의 stress overshoot에 관한 분자적 메커니즘" 11/2017, KSR, Jinju, Korea (Oral)

[21]  J. M. Kim, S. H. Jeong and C. Baig*, "The Influence of Chain-Branching on Structural and Rheological Behaviors of Polymeric :Liquids under Shear and Elongational Flow Using Brownian Dynamics Simulaion" 10/2017, KIChE Fall Symposium, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[20]  S. Jeong, J. M. Kim, S. Cho and C. Baig*, "Effect of Short-Chain Branching on Interfacial Polymer Dynamics under Shear Flow" 10/2017, KIChE Fall Symposium, Daejeon, Korea (Oral) [Excellent Oral Presentation Award]

[19]   S. Jeong, S. Cho,  J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "전단 유동 (shear flow) 아래 고분자 용융체 (polymer melts) interfacial slip의 분자 레벨 메커니즘 ", 06/2017, SPE Korea, Suwon, Korea (Invited/Oral) [2017 SPE Korea Award]

[18]   E. J. Roh, S. Cho, S. Jeong, J. M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Molecular dynamic mechanisms of unentangled and entangled linear polyethylene melts in bulk and confined systems under shear flow", 05/2017, KSIEC, Gwangju, Korea (Poster)

[17]   J. Kim, J. Yoon and C. Baig*, "Fundamental study of ring polymer melts under shear and elongation flows via atomistic nonequilibrium molecular dynamics", 05/2017, KSIEC, Gwangju, Korea (Poster)


[16]   J. Kim, J. Yoon and C. Baig*, "전단유동(shear flow)과 신장유동(elongational flow) 하에 있는 고리형 고분자 용융체(ring polymer melts)의 비평형 분자 동역학(non-equilibrium molecular dynamics) 연구: 사슬형 고분자(linear polymer) 용융체와의 비교", 11/2016, KSR, Busan, Korea (Poster)

[15]   S.H. Jeong, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, "전단유동(shear flow) 및 연신유동(elongational flow) 하에서 short- and long-chain branching이 분자구조와 동역학적 측면에 끼치는 영향", 11/2016, KSR, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[14]   S. Jeong, Jun Mo Kim, Chunggi Baig*, "Startup-shear에서 고분자 용융체 (Polymer Melts) Stress Overshoot 현상의 해석", 11/2016, KSR, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[13]   J.M. Kim, J. Kim and C. Baig*, Ring polymer의구조적, 유변학적, topological 성질변화의 해석에 관한 새로운 algorithm", 11/2016, KSR, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[12]   J. Yoon, J Kim and C. Baig*, "Topological and dynamical analysis of entangled polymer using computer simulation", 11/2016, KIChE Fall Symposium, Daejeon, Korea (Oral)

[11]   C, Baig, S. Jeong, J. Yoon and J.M. Kim, "Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Polymeric Materials in Bulk and at Interface under Flow", 06/2016, WCCM, Seoul, Korea (Oral)

[10]   S. Jeong, S. Cho, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, "전단 흐름 아래의 폴리머 멜트에서 계면 슬립 현상의 분자 레벨적인 메커니즘", 05/2016, KSR, Seoul, Korea (Oral)

[9]   S. Cho, S. Jeong, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, "전단유동(shear flow) 하에 있는 벌크 및 계면 시스템 내의 unentangled and entangled single chain의 형태 변화", 05/2016, KSR, Seoul, Korea (Oral)

[8]    J.M. Kim, S.H. Jeong and C. Baig*, "다중스케일 전산모사를 통한 chain-branching의 polymeric liquids의 구조적,유변학적,topological 성질 변화에 대한 역할", 05/2016, KSR, Seoul, Korea (Oral)

[7]   S.H. Jeong, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, "Influence of chain branching on topological constraint of entangled polyethylene melts", 04/2016, KIChE Spring Symposium, Busan, Korea (Poster)

[6]   J. Yoon, J Kim and C. Baig*, "Fundamental response of ring polymers melts under the shear and elongational flow", 04/2016, KIChE Spring Symposium, Busan, Korea (Poster)

[5]   J.M. Kim, S.H. Jeong and C. Baig*, "Short Chain Branching Effect on Polymer Structure and Dynamics using Multi-scale Simulations", 04/2016, KIChE Spring Symposium, Busan, Korea (Oral)

[4]   S. Cho, S. Jeong, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, ”Molecular dynamic mechanisms of unentangled and entangled linear polyethylene melts in bulk and confined systems under shear flow”, 04/2016, KIChE Spring Symposium, Busan, Korea (Poster)

[3]   S. Jeong, S. Cho, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, ”Mechanism of Interfacial Slip for Polymer Melts using Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, 04/2016, KIChE Spring Symposium, Busan, Korea  (Oral)

[Young Women Researcher Award]


[2]   J. Yoon and C. Baig*, "Dynamics of Entanglement Using New Topological Analysis Algorithm", 06/2015, PPS, Jeju-island, Korea (Oral)

[1]   S. Jeong, S. Cho, J.M. Kim and C. Baig*, ”Mechanism and Dynamics of polymeric melts at Interfaces”, 06/2015, PPS, Jeju-island, Korea (Oral)

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